Blog Archives


Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posts. I’ve been working and writing a lot and not had the chance to rewatch the older episodes. I’m going to take a break from that and post something for discussion. I’d like this to be more interactive, with someone responding and discussing the greatness of our favorite show rather than me just talking at y’all. 😉

My idea for new posts is to discuss some of the more current issues. First off, what’s up with the craziness that is Sam and Dean’s relationship? I’ve had a few debates with friends about this and am curious what a wider range of viewers think. It’s especially been a source of strong feelings over the past few episodes of season nine. The growing rift between them is really starting to bother me, as a viewer since the pilot episode. How do you guys feel about it? I mean, what happened to this?

Supernatural-Season-9-premiere-Sam-and-Dean Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 13 HOUSES OF THE HOLY

Do you believe in angels? This episode of Supernatural delves into the topic for the first of many, many times. We meet Gloria.


She doesn’t seem like she’s having a good day. Or life. She’s watching mindless crap on TV. The TV flips itself to a televangelist. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t change the channel. The lights flicker, the whole place starts to shake. And then a blinding white light appears to her in the hallway. Is it…an angel?

the angel from HotH Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 12 NIGHTSHIFTER

YAY! We’re back to one of my recurring favorite “monsters”–the shapeshifter. This was one of my favorite episodes, one I watched over and over and well, you get the point. I mean, there’s this:

Just for starters. 😉 We begin with a recap of the last episode in which we mentioned the Winchesters’ trouble with the law, The Usual Suspects. The recap is interrupted by a breaking news bulletin. There’s a hostage standoff situation at a bank in Milwaukee. One of the hostage-takers steps out of the bank to release a hostage. The news cameras zoom in…holy crap!

nightshifter1-w250-h250 Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 11 PLAYTHINGS

Yay!! We’re back! 🙂 I have missed writing the blog and I hope someone has missed reading it. After crazy holiday times, sickness and injury, I’m back. It’s fitting this week’s episode should fall on January 19 since it originally aired January 18, 2007. I remember the date very well because the next morning, a Friday, I went to the hospital to be induced and later that afternoon, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. 🙂


Throughout the hours of labor, my sister Abby kept quoting this episode to make me laugh. So even though it may not be the best episode, I always watch it with very fond memories of my daughter’s birth. Happy birthday, baby! 🙂 She used to be a Supernatural baby haha! Now it scares her so I don’t let her watch it anymore. 😉

So anyway, onto the episode. In this beautiful hotel in Connecticut, the hotel owner mom is having toys packed away that the little girls don’t play with anymore.

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#SupernaturalSunday Season 2, Episode 9 CROATOAN

Happy Sunday! I’m finally back again. 😉 The holidays sure do make things crazy. If you’ve been watching the current season of Supernatural, you’re probably still angry or crying over the mid-season finale but please, still read my blog. 😀 Like the last episode we discussed here, Croatoan has several themes that will keep popping up over all the following seasons. Coincidentally, this episode was the mid-season finale of season 2.

We begin with Dean walking into a room with a group of people, one of whom is a doctor. He pulls out his gun and aims it at a guy tied to a chair who’s proclaiming, “It’s not in me!” The doctor says she can’t tell for sure so Dean smokes him.


When the gun fires, Sam wakes up. This was another premonition. He and Dean take off for the town Sam saw, which is called River Gorge in Oregon.  Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 8 CROSSROAD BLUES

I’m back! 🙂 Did y’all miss me last week? It was a busy week and this one has been no exception but can’t leave you guys for more than a week. 😉 This week is Crossroad Blues, which is huge in the Supernatural lore.

We start in Greenwood, Mississippi, back in 1938 with blues singer Robert Johnson. He’s in a blues club, playing some beautiful music when he starts hearing dogs howling and barking. Only he can see and hear them.

Robert Johnson

We as the viewer hear them and see their shadows outside the window but we don’t see their true form and won’t…until season eight. He hightails it out of the club and runs for home.

crossroad blues 2

The dogs are banging at the door and Robert collapses, going into some kind of seizure. When his lady friend finds him, he’s babbling about black dogs and then dies. 😦

Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are at a diner. “So much for keeping a low profile,” Sam says. “You’ve got a warrant in St. Louis and now you’re officially in the feds’ database.” Dean: “Dude, I’m like Dillinger or something.” They’ve got nothing on Sam. Dean accuses him of being jealous. Haha they’re too cute. 😉


Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 6

I have to admit, I’m not very excited about this week’s episode. It’s definitely not one of my favorites. For fans of Jo, it’s a great one. I was not a fan of hers when this first aired although I like her a little better now. 😉 I’ve had a very busy week so I’m afraid this won’t be my usual detailed retelling of the episode but I’ll give it my best. 🙂

Blonde girls keep going missing in an apartment building in Philadelphia. Jo wants to investigate but Mama Ellen forbade her to go on a hunt. Sam and Dean go to check it out instead.

Ellen and Jo in No Exit Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday Season 2, Episode 5 Simon Said

So this was a controversial week in the Supernatural fandom. I hope to lighten things up by going back to an old-school episode. I guess it’s not really lighthearted fare since the first thing that happens is a well-known and respected doctor kills a sporting goods store owner and then himself. But “it’s okay”–it was one of Sam’s premonitions and hasn’t happened yet. The Winchesters hop into the Impala and race off to the roadhouse to try to stop it from happening. They want to see Ash so that he can look for signs of The Demon.

Dr Badass

While Ash is investigating, Jo not so nonchalantly plays some REO Speedwagon on the jukebox. Ash gets a match so the boys take off for Guthrie, Oklahoma. Jo seems a little disappointed.

Jo's disappointed

But never fear, Jo. Dean’s still thinking about you. In the car, he sings “Can’t Fight This Feeling”….

Dean singing

Nice work, Dean. 😉 Sam tells him they’re looking for Andrew Gallagher. I noticed from his info we share a birthday. Kinda cool. Anyway, Andrew’s mom died the night of his sixth month birthday in a nursery fire, just like Sam and Dean’s mom. According to the chick at a local restaurant, debt collectors are always looking for Andy but he manages to get rid of them.


She tells them to look  on Orchard Street for a van with a barbarian queen on it. They easily find the van and soon they see Andy. Dean likes him because of the van and his way with people. 😉 As they watch, a guy on the street gives Andy his cup of coffee, just because he asked for it, it seems. Then, Andy stops to speak to the guy from Sam’s premonition. Sam follows the doctor to stop him from going in the store while Dean follows Andy.

Andy spots Dean tailing him and asks to take the car. Dean says, “Sure, man” and hops out, handing over the keys. Now we know there’s a problem!

Dean can't believe he left Baby

Meanwhile, Sam gets to the sporting goods store before the doctor and pulls the alarm. As the store is evacuating, he sees Andy drive by in the Impala. What the what?!

what the what

Meanwhile, the doctor gets another call and ends up walking in front of a bus and dying anyway before Sam can stop it.


Andy goes to the restaurant to see his “old friend” Tracy. There’s another guy, Weber, working there who seems to be Andy’s #1 fan but Andy ignores him. The Winchesters find the Impala, safe and sound with the keys still in it. Andy’s van isn’t too far away so the boys check it out. “This is…this is magnificent, that’s what this is,” Dean says. It doesn’t look like the lair of a killer.


Andy confronts them while they’re staking him out. When Sam starts to give him the usual spiel about how they’re lawyers, Andy interrupts and says, “Tell the truth.” Dean does. “We hunt demons. Demons, spirits, things your worst nightmares wouldn’t touch.” And then proceeds to spill everything, how Sam is psychic, like Andy, and they’re all a part of something terrible. Sam: “Dean, shut up!” Dean: “I’m trying!” But he can’t stop. He tells Andy everything. haha! Andy says to leave him alone. Dean says, “Okay” but the mind control doesn’t work on Sam.


He confronts Andy, demanding to know why he told the doctor to step in front of the bus. Andy says he didn’t. Sam has another vision. This time, a blonde woman is at the gas station. She gets a call on her cell and then sprays gas all over herself and sets herself on fire. Yikes. Hard to imagine a worse way to go. 😦


As Sam’s recovering from his vision, an ambulance races by so Dean goes to check it out. The woman is already dead. There was no heads up this time.


Sam sees that Andy isn’t the killer and considers his mind control a gift. Dean has talked to Ash and learned that the woman gave up a son for adoption on the same day Andy was born. The doctor was the woman’s doctor and oversaw the birth and adoption. Not just that but she gave birth to twins.

Andy’s twin was adopted by a family in the same state and now goes by Anson Weems. Andy recognizes him. He’s the guy who latched onto him, Weber. He has the same mind control gift. In the car on the way to find the evil twin, Sam has another vision. This time, it’s Tracy from the restaurant jumping off a dam.


It seems Weber/Anson doesn’t like anyone coming in between him and his brother. He’s taken Tracy to the dam and tells her she can fly. Luckily, Sam and Dean get there in time. Sam grabs Anson and puts tape over his mouth but he can still command using his mind. He tells Tracy to knock Sam out. 😦 He tells Andy he’s stronger and will make Tracy take the dive.


Anson tells Andy “the man with the yellow eyes” told him to do it this way. He appeared to Anson in a dream and told him he had big plans for him and that he was special. Anson also knows that Dean’s trying to sneak up and shoot him, despite Sam’s warning to stay away. He tells Dean to shoot himself, which he starts to do but Andy kills him first. When the police arrive, Andy convinces them that they saw Anson kill himself.


Sam says he was right about Andy to start with, that he’s a killer. When Dean argues, he says, “Right circumstances, everyone’s capable of murder. Everyone.” Disturbing thought and maybe true. He hypothesizes that’s what the demon is doing: pushing Sam and all the kids like him to murder. Sam says he knows Dean is just as scared as he is.

haha! Ellen calls the boys back to the roadhouse and wants to know about the case they were working. They don’t want to tell her but Sam ends up telling her everything. Sam says Anson’s mom didn’t die on his sixth month birthday. So there may be no way to track all of the kids. Awesome. Ellen tells Jo to break out the whiskey instead of the beer. Things are looking pretty grim. What’s next? Tune in next week to find out!

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 4 Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things

Happy Supernatural Sunday! 🙂 This week, we begin with broken-hearted Angela, who is crying over her boyfriend to Neil. Neil is clearly in the friend zone and wants to be more. He thinks comforting Angela in her time of need will make her see that he’s the one for her.

Brokenhearted Angela

Neil’s giving her chocolate, playing emo music — doing everything in his power to stay in the friend zone. Poor guy. But then the boyfriend shows up and Angela takes off. She’s driving, crying, not watching the road and probably shouldn’t have answered the call from the boyfriend. She ends up wrecking the car and killing herself. 😦 Over a guy. So not worth it, Angela!  Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 3 Bloodlust

I’ve gotta be honest with you guys. It’s really hard to want to talk about this episode from way back in season 2, as awesome as it was, days after maybe the best season premiere in Supernatural history. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I watched it (and actually watched twice because it was so incredible). I don’t want to give away too many spoilers for those readers who aren’t caught up with those of us who have seen every episode. 😉

I mean:


And this guy:

I’m not 100% sure he’s a good guy but I am sure he’s frickin’ hot. Okay, so I’m really distracted by season 9 awesomeness. Let’s go back in time to Bloodlust and vamps now since it really is an awesome episode too. Read the rest of this entry