Monthly Archives: November 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! (Bizarro-Style)

DISCLAIMER: This blog post was written in good fun. It does not reflect the views of anyone associated with this blog in anyway. In addition, it may contain some adult content and/or biblical mockery that may offend some people. If you are one of those people, read on at your own risk or don’t read on at all. Your choice. We all have choices and I choose to not take everything so seriously just as you, the reader, may choose to skip my Thursday blog posts. I am neither a heathen nor an atheist. As a matter of fact, I was raised in the Catholic Church and attended Catholic School for a number of years. Again, this is all in good fun – and laughing makes us all live a little longer. So if you’re ready to turn that frown upside down, read on.


Before I continue with my self-indulgent post highlighting some of the things I am most thankful for, I’d like to begin with this:


Now back to me….If you’ve been on social media at all lately, you’ve undoubtedly come across posts rom your friends and acquaintances highlighting  something they are thankful for. This practice is supposed to last from November 1-November 28 but, as many of you have noticed, the thankful posts often dwindle into obscurity by day five or so. This is why I generally wait until Thanksgiving to announce the things I am thankful for. This year, I’m going Bizarro-style.  Read the rest of this entry

#SleepyHollow – Episode 9, Sanctuary

Why do I always find gifs I love weeks after the episode? 😉

Anyway, enjoy it. This week’s episode centers around a billionairess who disappears after vising her family’s homestead, Frederick’s Manor. She is very excited about the possibility of restoring the old house. When she goes into the house with a bodyguard, she finds a closet filled with roots, which then…um, pulls her in. Yikes!

Abbie and Icky have an adorable conversation about Thanksgiving (love how Icky says “tuuurkey”). He seems particularly horrified at the mention of cranberry sauce. “Pilgrims didn’t have any sugar to make a sauce, let alone a pie!” Gotta love Icky. 🙂 He admits talk of holidays and family time “irks” him because he misses Katrina. Awww…but you have Abbie!  Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 8 CROSSROAD BLUES

I’m back! 🙂 Did y’all miss me last week? It was a busy week and this one has been no exception but can’t leave you guys for more than a week. 😉 This week is Crossroad Blues, which is huge in the Supernatural lore.

We start in Greenwood, Mississippi, back in 1938 with blues singer Robert Johnson. He’s in a blues club, playing some beautiful music when he starts hearing dogs howling and barking. Only he can see and hear them.

Robert Johnson

We as the viewer hear them and see their shadows outside the window but we don’t see their true form and won’t…until season eight. He hightails it out of the club and runs for home.

crossroad blues 2

The dogs are banging at the door and Robert collapses, going into some kind of seizure. When his lady friend finds him, he’s babbling about black dogs and then dies. 😦

Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are at a diner. “So much for keeping a low profile,” Sam says. “You’ve got a warrant in St. Louis and now you’re officially in the feds’ database.” Dean: “Dude, I’m like Dillinger or something.” They’ve got nothing on Sam. Dean accuses him of being jealous. Haha they’re too cute. 😉


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#SleepyHollow – Episode 8, Necromancer

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Icky.

Yo, we caught the Headless Horseman! *fist bump* I wish I knew how to make gifs but for now, see the fist bump here. So you’ve captured the Horeman: what’s next? Icky and Abbie plan to join forces with Captain and Jenny in their interrogation of the Horseman. “That’s our team.”

Sleepy-Hollow-Season-1-Episode-8-Necromancer-600x366 Read the rest of this entry


DISCLAIMER: This blog post was written in good fun. It does not reflect the views of anyone associated with this blog in anyway. In addition, it may contain some adult content and/or biblical mockery that may offend some people. If you are one of those people, read on at your own risk or don’t read on at all. Your choice. We all have choices and I choose to not take everything so seriously just as you, the reader, may choose to skip my Thursday blog posts. I am neither a heathen nor an atheist. As a matter of fact, I was raised in the Catholic Church and attended Catholic School for a number of years. Again, this is all in good fun – and laughing makes us all live a little longer. So if you’re ready to turn that frown upside down, read on.



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#SleepyHollow – Episode 7 The Midnight Ride

We begin in Boston with Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride — how cool is that? Cool shot there in the beginning with Revere on the horse. He didn’t actually say “The British are coming!” Instead, it was “The Regulars are coming!” Hey, I know this show isn’t the truth, but as Icky points out later in the episode, they’re all British so why would he say that? Guess that’s just a legend. 😉

Later, Revere and his companions are fleeing when the Horseman catches up to them, killing everyone except Revere.

lost his head

I know it’s far-fetched at times, but I love the weaving in of historical tales and legends, bringing all these huge moments in history back to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. That and Icky are why I’m a huge fan of the show. 🙂  Read the rest of this entry

#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 7 The Usual Supsects

Did I mention last week that Linda Blair of The Exorcist fame was in this week’s episode? Because I totally should have! 😉 Looks like they had a lot of fun on set.

Jensen and Linda Blair

Jared and Linda Blair

Maybe I’m a little jealous. 😉 Okay on with the episode! We begin in a police station where the cops are bustling around  while a SWAT team is moving in on a hotel room. Looks like whoever they’re after are major baddies. They have a guy in custody, who was supposed to have died in St. Louis and is accused of murder. It’s this guy :O

the murder suspect

And the SWAT team busted into the hotel room to arrest this guy:

Sam in Usual Suspects

What’s going on?!  Read the rest of this entry

#SleepyHollow – Episode 6, Sin Eater

Yay!! We’re back! I’m happy for the reason we were gone, due to the airing of the World Series.  Especially after the Red Sox winning it at Fenway because OMG that was like the best thing that’s ever happened!! I’m a huge Red Sox fan, in case y’all didn’t know. 😉 Congrats to the World Series champions!! 😀 Baseball leads us right into this week’s episode. Wonder if the show runners planned that?

Abbie and Icky are at a baseball game and Abbie has to explain why she’s yelling at the umpire. LOVE Abbie’s thoughts on baseball. It’s about three things: tradition, teamwork and the sport doesn’t discriminate. Baseball “represents the spirit of democracy,” Icky says.

Icky has excellent posture, by the way.

yelling at the ump

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#SupernaturalSunday – Season 2, Episode 6

I have to admit, I’m not very excited about this week’s episode. It’s definitely not one of my favorites. For fans of Jo, it’s a great one. I was not a fan of hers when this first aired although I like her a little better now. 😉 I’ve had a very busy week so I’m afraid this won’t be my usual detailed retelling of the episode but I’ll give it my best. 🙂

Blonde girls keep going missing in an apartment building in Philadelphia. Jo wants to investigate but Mama Ellen forbade her to go on a hunt. Sam and Dean go to check it out instead.

Ellen and Jo in No Exit Read the rest of this entry