Supernatural Sundays – Demons

So I was thinking…

I wonder what it would look like if we lined up all the demons from Supernatural.

Hell lineup
I know what you’re thinking…

Kidding me
There are billions of them. But I don’t mean just any old black-eyed demon, I’m talking about the minions with lines and roles to play.
Sam yes
Hard to pick a favorite, since they’re all so devilishly delightful, but let’s start with Meg. Wasn’t she the first? She was the first of Azazel’s offspring we met.

And she’s worn one or two meat-suits in her day:

But don’t forget this one (albeit briefly)-

Meg in Sam
There were the crossroads demons

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We’ve seen some major players like Crowley the supposed new King of Hell

Crowley I never
Ruby (Sam’s cohort, in a couple different guises)

Azazel (or Yellow-Eyes, as he’s more commonly referred to) in one or two forms

Azazel laughingAzazel2

Lilith (the white-eyed demon, and creep-eriffic little kid) in various shapes and sizes

Alastair (Hell’s top torturer – that is, until Dean came to town)


And some minor players like Tammi (the witchcraft teacher)

Rakshasa (the clown. *shudder*)

Tom (Azazel’s son)

Daeva (the shadow demon)

Casey (a bartender Dean got close to while locked inside a Devil’s trap)

Father Gil (Casey’s lover. She totally should have ditched him for Dean – not that she would have wound up any better off…)

the end
and Duane Tanner. Duane was played by Diego Klattenhoff. He’s the son of an old friend of mine from Nova Scotia. Imagine my surprise when I saw his name pop up on the screen!

Oh, and lets not forget this one:

Castiel: Book of Revelations calls her the Whore of Babylon.
Dean: Well, that’s catchy.

Silly laughter
Oh there were more, I’m sure but gifs are way more fun than jpegs and the further down the demon totem-pole you go, the more difficult it is to find some good gif action.

So instead, how about a fun poll – which one is your favorite? My money’s on Crowley all the way…

About Michelle L. Johnson

Agent with Inklings Literary Agency, Author, and occasional wannabe comedienne. Firm believer in all things caffeinated. Represented by Jamie Bodnar Drowley.

Posted on February 10, 2013, in Supernatural Sundays and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. That last gif nearly did me in! LOL It was tough to choose my favorite demon but I finally went w/ Crowley. Meg does have one of my favorite lines, though. “Are you gonna read me a story?” 😉

  2. PS – Thanks for scaring the hell out of me by including that clown 😐

  1. Pingback: Supernatural Sundays – Demons | Christine Hughes

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